


Synonyms and Antonyms of FAKE

to imitate or copy especially in order to deceive <pranksters faked giant footprints and then claimed that they had seen Bigfoot>
to present a false appearance of <while running for class president, Dan was not above faking friendship with people just to get their votes>
to perform, make, or do without preparation <if you give me the gist of the plan, I can probably fake enough for the speech>
Synonyms ad-lib, clap (together or up), extemporize, fake
Related Words concoct, contrive, cook (up), devise, fabricate, hatch, invent, make up, manufacture, think (up); cobble (together or up), dash (off)
to elude (an opponent in a sports contest) by making a deceptive or agile movement <the running back faked the defense by stepping to his left and then quickly cutting to the right>
Synonyms deke, fake, fake out
Related Words dodge, evade, sidestep, slip; pump-fake, stutter-step; maneuver (around)


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